








in progress



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Vocal and instruments music
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AntePrima for large symphony orchestra (2010), 6.30mn;

score | listen | Cd record | editor

Date : 2010

Duration : 6.30 mn

Commission : The Philharmonisches Orchester des Staatstheaters Cottbus, Allemagne, dir. Evan Christ.

Editor : Editions Jobert

Nomenclature :
for large symphony orchestra (69 musiciens)

- 3 flute, the first flute play also piccolo, also flute in sol
- 3 oboe, the second and third play also the English horn
- 3 clarinet,2 in sib and 1 bass cl., the second clarinet play also sax soprano
- 2 bassoon
- 1 contrabassoon
- 4 horn in fa
- 3 trumpets
- 3 trombones
- 1 tuba
- 1 percussionniste (avec 1 grosse caisse (große Trommel), 1 grande plaque vibrante ou tôle (Blech), 2 cymbales suspendues (ride and crash cymbals), 2 metal chimes : barchimes and cluster chimes
- 1 vibraphoniste also timpanist (3 timbales : fa à si - la à ré - si à fa)
- 1 harp
- 12 violins I, divided in 4 - 4 - 4
- 10 violons II, divided in 4 -3 - 3
- 8 viola, divided in 2 - 3 - 3
- 7 cello, divided in 2 – 2 - 3
- 6 double bass, divided in 3 - 3

Dédicate à Valerio Sannicandro

Premiere: Orchestre Philharmonique de Cottbus, direction Evan Christ
Les 12 et 14 novembre 2010 à 20 heures
Staatstheater Cottbus
Lausitzer Straße 33, 03046 Cottbus, Germany.

Notice :
Creation in the field of music is often summoned by small instrumental formations or 15/20 instruments sets. To write for more than 70 musicians allows to blow up the sound space with which we are usually confronted and to realize on a large scale our own musical experiments, while working in the memory of our symphonic music repertory.

AntePrima is built on a simple shape and bases himself on a structure of increase. The initial gesture which crosses the registers from the grave to the treble will be amplified throughout the score, and that in all the elements which characterizes it: rhythmic cell, harmonic structure, bellows dynamics, alloys of the instrumental timbres.
The work is short, I thus called her AntePrima (' preview) in the idea I shall write very soon for the same formation other music pages which will succeed this part.
The score is dedicated to Valerio Sannicandro.
Florence Baschet.